Facial pain Headaches TMJ
If you are experiencing facial pain, headaches or TMJ issues, these symptoms are often related to your teeth and muscles.
Muscles can become overworked due to a bad bite, clenching and grinding often whilst asleep leading to pain in your head, muscles or joints.
Other symptoms can include neck ache, poor sleep, tinnitus, reduced mouth opening, deviation on opening, jaw vibration, loose teeth.
If any of these symptoms affect your daily life a nightguard may help reduce or resolve them.
Wearing a bespoke nightguard, correctly adjusted over time allows your muscles to relax and your joints to find their happy position.
The key to successful treatment is nightly wear, understanding your bite and how your nightguard works. It is initially adjusted at intervals over 3 months and may then need additional tweaks as required.
Following a new patient examination, initial moulds are taken of your teeth to assess your bite and discuss the findings with you before proceeding to more accurate moulds, facebow registration and fabrication.
A nightguard, splint or appliance is a device made to wear in your mouth to protect your teeth whilst sleeping. There are different types available which include OTC heat mouldable, soft nightguards and hard nightguards. Whilst any nightguard may work for you a hard tends to work best and last longer.