Routine Dentistry
Periodic oral evaluations are your routine examination to re-evaluate, monitor and record any changes usually recommended on a six monthly basis.
Dental hygiene is a thorough clean up of your teeth and appointment length and intervals depend on your teeth and gum health.
Periodontal treatment refers to a more extensive and focused cleaning of your teeth for patients who have been diagnosed with gum[periodontal] disease.
Fillings replace decayed or broken parts of teeth. White fillings need careful placement as they are a composite resin material bonded to your remaining tooth structure. Alternatively a laboratory made porcelain insert can be used which bonds in to your tooth known as an inlay or onlay.
Bioclear is a heated injection moulded tooth coloured resin
Crowns wrap around your existing tooth to impart greater fracture resistance and are typically made from porcelain, zirconia or gold depending on the situation and your preference.
Rubber Dam is a “rubber”[latex free] sheet used to isolate your tooth whilst it is restored.
Veneers are thin porcelain facings bonded to your tooth surfaces and often with minimal preparation.
Implants are teeth replacements placed in your jaw bone and used to support a new tooth[crown]. They obviate the need for bridges and dentures.
Bridges replace a missing tooth by permanent bonding to one or more adjacent teeth.
Dentures are removable and replace missing teeth.
Bone grafts are placed in defects to replace and encourage your own bone formation.
Socket preservation is the process whereby a bone graft material is used at the time of extraction to maintain your bone and promote healing.
the Nightguard is a bespoke hard clear acrylic nightguard designed to protect your teeth and relax your jaw.
Bite assessment is the fabrication of models of your teeth and mounted on a jig so that your jaw movements and bite can be replicated and analysed.